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Modern strategic thinking includes three fundamental challenges: (1) the sustainability of the entity’s culture and business model, (2) improved scalability through efficient growth, and (3) remaining relevant in a rapidly changing world. The success in each of these areas is driven by human (talent and engagement) capital (the capabilities and potential) of the team. Historically, community banks recruited experienced employees, who were trained and developed by larger institutions. The available supply of these individuals has lessened as their value to current employers has peaked and those that joined your banks are approaching retirement age. In addition, attracting talent to banks in rural locales has always been a challenge.
To no surprise, this situation has now risen to the top of the strategic priority list, and the leaders of human resources are challenged by the need to recruit, develop, and retain top-level talent. Add to this the nuances of generational differences in these interesting times. This presentation will address these issues and various approaches to formulating your role in impacting these strategic priorities. See Jack Salvetti\’s full presentation below.